Kale & chickpeas

I just threw together what I found in our fridge and cupboard 🤓


Ingredients serve 2 persons

1 pack kale (around 300g)

2 tbsp olive oil

1 small onion

3 cloves garlic

1 chili

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp rice vinegar (or use another vinegar and a pitch of sugar)


1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 can chickpeas

50ml cream (optional, to indulge)

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Chop onion, garlic and chili

Heat olive oil in a pan and add onion, garlic and chili and fry for 3 minuea

Season with soy sauce, vinegar and pepper

Add mustard, the liquid of the chickpeas and a half a cup of water (and cream if you want)

Cut kale into stripes, add to pan, close pan with a lid and let it cook for 10 minutes (mix after 5 minutes)

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